by IzabellePerry | Feb 14, 2017 | Canning, Gardening, Plants, Welding
I didn’t always spend my days taking care of animals, building rabbit hutches, garden beds and showering outside. Until recently, I spent all my days working for other welding companies; repairing cracks in heavy equipment, building handrails, fixing and modifying...
by IzabellePerry | Oct 9, 2016 | Canning, Gardening, Plants, Welding
In the summer, That’s Awesome! Designs & Services held a contest to find a name for the new truck that would eventually get painted purple. I got so many different and creative submissions and it was very hard to choose from all the suggestions. The final decision...
by IzabellePerry | Jun 26, 2016 | Gardening
While not necessarily a business venture, homesteading is none the less part of That’s Awesome! Designs and Services. Homesteading is a way of life. It is the way, my partner and I want to live. We both have home-based businesses that allow us to plant an extensive...
by IzabellePerry | Jun 5, 2016 | Canning, Gardening, Plants, Welding
IT’S A CONTEST! Name The New Truck and win $200.00 worth of That’s Awesome products or services! Be creative, be silly, be politically incorrect, be sassy. Let your creativity flow freely. Contest ends July 31st 2016 at midnight. This truck will be used to carry...
by IzabellePerry | Apr 16, 2016 | Gardening
When I finished packing my car to travel home this weekend, I took a picture. I feel that this photo summarizes best what I do and how it all fits together. Since I work full time in town all week, I travel to and from Cortes Island on a weekly basis where my shop,...
by IzabellePerry | Apr 9, 2016 | Gardening
There are not many things growing in the garden at this time of year since we do not have a greenhouse (yet), so in the spring, I focus on wild foods while the seeds germinate and the soil starts to warm up. My all time favourite (and my daughter’s as well) are...