Help me name the new truck

IT’S A CONTEST! Name The New Truck and win $200.00 worth of That’s Awesome products or services! Be creative, be silly, be politically incorrect, be sassy. Let your creativity flow freely.  Contest ends July 31st 2016 at midnight. This truck will be used to carry...

6 Things I Regret Not Doing in My Career as a Welder

When I first went to art school out of high school, I could never have imagined it would lead to an industrial welding career but I have a few things I would have done when I was younger and greener (less experienced). First of all, had I been a single woman in my...

Instructions on Making Pipe Stair Rails (with jig)

There are as many types of rails as there are sites, architects, engineers, designers, fabricators, builders and artists. These instructions are for metal pipe stair railings but can be transposed to other types of railings. Especially if the railings need to be...

Crack fest in Cumberland BC

After working twelve hours, burning broken parts off an excavator with an arc gouger, I am writing this blog from my car on my cellphone. I spent the week burning out cracks and welding them back up. International woman’s day looked like this. This blog may lack...

Replacing Stairs at Home

Over the winter, the bottom step of the precarious stairs at our back door rotted away…. After being “repaired” by a couple cinder blocks, it looked like this:   Seeing as stairs are one of my favourite design challenges, I took it upon myself to make some steel...