That’s Awesome Designs and Services brings together some of the skills and creative endeavours I have chosen to concentrate on over the years. Though I may have many more skills than these, I would like to share with all of you my welding expertise (both industrial and ornamental), my canning creations alongside my passion for plants and good quality food.
Through my work, my unique designs, my teaching and my blog, I hope to reach out to more people and share my knowledge, skills, and creative ideas. I also hope to learn how to make That’s Awesome! better through your feedback, invaluable comments, and reviews. I hope to continue to meet amazing people through selling at the markets, repairing machines, and creating beautiful Awesome things for everyone.
Contact Me
Izabelle Perry
Address: P.O. Box 303, Whaletown, BC, V0P1Z0
Phone: 250.650.2712 (cell)
250.935.6745 (home)
Business Hours: every day 10-8